Differences between civ 4 and 5
Differences between civ 4 and 5

The brilliant (& still active) fan made FreeCol project has also taken the original Colonization in some interesting directions too such as adding multiplayer, more colonization era nations (Russians, Swedish, Danish and Portuguese) bringing the original measly total of 4 up to 8 players, much better Indian trading, and maps of other Colonization era maps such as Australia & Africa. Obviously that leads to some interesting things when the time comes to rebel against the crown (eg do you benefit or suffer from a upgraded European home city), so maybe it could instead be your home capital in the new world that you upgrade to get cool bonuses? A TBS Colonization game with RPGish heavily upgradable & expandable home city would be a very cool and addictive thing. Obviously Amplitude would need to twist their version into something new and different to make it their own game (and not get sued lol) and theres plenty of interesting ideas from other games that could add to the experience.įor example you could tell that the Age of Empires 3 guys at Ensemble were big Colonization fans as they were able to take Colonizations good old Home port city and turn it into a big home city with numerous upgrades and specials that could change the outcome of a Age3 RTS match (call in a second fort card, yes a please!). The Firaxis Civilization IV Colonization sequel/remake took advantage of some of Civ4s cool features like upgradable units with lots of cool skills encouraging you to look after your armies and develop them up RPG style! I recently replayed the original in HD thanks to the old Windows 3.1 version being resizable, and even to this day it is ridiculously addictive. The original of course is a great game and many times I found it even more addictive than some of the other greats. I would love to see what those guys could do with that formula.

differences between civ 4 and 5

So this of course makes me think that theres only one Micropose 90s 4x TBS great left unconquered, Sid Meiers Colonization! I for one welcome our new TBS overlords, and I would like to remind Amplitude that as a retro gaming youtuber and promoter I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their forums and store pages.

differences between civ 4 and 5

Very excited to hear this news! Amplitude have reimagined Master of Orion to Endless Space, Master of Magic to Endless Legend and now they’re taking on the big one that started them all, Civilization to Humankind.

Differences between civ 4 and 5