You can install the latest version of Kodi directly from Google Play Store by logging in with your Gmail or Google account or following the steps below if you don’t have a Google account and don’t wish to make one. If you need a new device check out our selection here: Android Boxes for Sale In simple terms, Kodi 18 will not work without modification on any device below Android 5.0. you will not be able to install this update. Note that Kodi 18 is only compatible with Android 5.0 and above, so if you have an older device such as the M8S, MXQ, Minix Neo Z64, M8, etc. Kodi 18 will be pre-installed on all Android boxes sold by us. Kodi v18 Leia update was released and tests reveal that it works perfectly on all Android TV boxes sold by Astro TV Boxes Canada. Astro TV Boxes Canada Recommends Nord VPN

Stay secure online and hide all your streaming and browsing activity from prying eyes. How to Update Kodi on Android TV Box Quickly